Commercial Dynamics of Idolatry and Industrialized Mythology of Narcissism, based on the Virtual Synthetic Persona eroding the Traditional Interpersonal Interactions, in the Atomized Americentric Era of Prosumer Digital Broadcasting and Glocal Multimedia SocNets. The plastic wrapping (with wifi connectivity) on the (old protestant work-ethic) iron cage. Some crucial questions and some interactive examples to start annoying some people around here. )) PART 15 Continues from : Q13. Are there some sort of forces with many social forms and some deep genetic reasons, always in motion in human history, both in favor and against the processes (idolatric elitism vs cooperative tribalism) we discussed? Talking of extremes, why the Islamic State became possible right now in its magnitude and aberrations (a cult of pain, an industry of hatred, a system of genocide with a market, an audience, a business model) not in economical and geopolitical aspects (a parallel discussion aside), but in terms of its international mass appeal, large amount of exotic conversions, successful jihadist mobilization, all characterized by the most sadistic slaughters, the most extreme cruelty, the most barbaric tortures, gleefully broadcasted with the maximum media resonance and juvenile yet high technical proficiency? In general, is it possible to reverse the trend for which the United States are the Empire of the Mind in an Endless Present obsessed by the Cult of the Surface and addicted to the Drug of Excitement? Is this the destiny of the species or an infection of its history? Are oligarchic idolatry and narcissistic elitism more a flawed plan and a specific fault by the leading cultural and political forces, or an unavoidable preprogrammed fate (maybe flawed but) written in human nature and mankind genetics, of which the current winners and champion are just transient instruments? A13. Daesh is yet another multi-layered sophisticate historical and geopolitical phenomenon implicit, collateral and consequential of various sociological, psychological, and technological dynamics we've already attempted to analyse. To explain and analyse the Islamic State, which also allows enlightenment on where the world is going with idolatry, narcissism, psychopathy and sadism, we must surely distinguish two fundamental levels (often skillfully confused to gigantize the convenient) - the reality and the form. The reality are the facts on the ground, the real infrastructure; the True substance; the cash, the thugs and the guns analyzed with x-rays and counted with calculator; the authentic, agile, compact physical organization of effective, ruthless mobile infantry that exerts a quasi-state control on vast areas of failed states like Syria and Iraq (but also zones of Lybia and Egypt); a hierarchy of terrorists and militants that controls relevant arsenals and large funds through / from various rackets, traffics, violences and extortions; a feared franchising umbrella of glocal Islamist groups that outshined and engulfed Al Qayda spin-offs in prestige and attraction, which recruits (and receives donations from) many thousands of sympathizers, capable to execute grassroots attacks in almost any country in the world and commando terrorism in quite many areas. The form is the smoke, the mirrors, the hype; the propaganda in the media; the official doctrine; the decapitation of hostages, the burning in the cage, the crucifixions and the enslavements, the mass rapes and the mass slaughters, the blitzkrieg; the ideology in the minds, the myth in the looks, the mask and the slogan broadcasted on Satellite TV and Internet SocNets; the globalized appearance of Daesh as geopolitical superpower of resurgent Islamism; the successful Internet and mass-media perception, hyperbole and magnification that Daesh is an immense invincible military force blessed by Allah, interpreting True Islam and enforcing authentic Shari'a after centuries of treason, restoring the brutality and purity of ancient True Muslims killing and torturing all its inferior enemies; the legend that the Islamic State is a Promised Land for real Muslims, the real Dar-Al-Islam capable to defeat any opposition in its grand project to reach the Apocalypse through the restoration of the Caliphate. It is clear that the cinema-like glorification of Daesh that happened through media and Internet after various heists of conquest and gruesome cases of execution and tortures is a huge exaggeration, which is probably already in decline militarily, and that we will discuss. But of course behind every legend there is some degree of truth. There was need for some real facts, some real substance to develop all a mythology of supernaturalism. With the megaphone of the media, you can multiply a real 2 at volume 10 and you will make it appear 20 to the masses. But if in the real world you've 0 and you multiply it for 1000 in the media, it will still remains a groundless 0 in the mind of the masses, who can look to competing sources to see the falsity of your claims. So if there were really absolutely nothing behind the propaganda, Daesh wouldn't exist - it would have been easily dismounted already by detractors and opponents. The fact is that there is an hard-core of danger and power in this phenomenon, even if massively (and competently) hyped nd overrated. There is a kernel of real achievements and real facts, not supernatural but remarkable, on which there has been a massive legend of invincibility and manifest destiny skillfully erected (much like it happened with USA and victories in WW1 and WW2). So the fist intuitive conclusion on this news phenomenon is that Daesh is like Jupiter - really alot of flurry smoke and a small but good bit of substance; a apparent giant of gas with a tiny solid core. We've a large, gaseous, artificial aura of propaganda about Daesh being an invincible Islamist superpower that will conquer the World via Jihad etc, all exaggerated rhetoric; but rhetoric built around and over a small, solid, hard-core reality of an efficient terrorism-guerrilla organization that managed to seize and exploit large areas of failed states in ethnic conflict (Iraq, Syria, Lybia, Sinai) as much as the collective imagination and support of Islamism sympathizers. Now we can discuss briefly WHO are the members of Islamic State focusing on WHAT they want, WHY they joined, WHERE as social strata and location they proliferate, HOW they succeed and grow, WHEN it started as phenomenon, to understand how it is related to Isramerika, Narcissism and Westernism. According to most studies, Daesh members can be divided in the following exhaustive categories. Notice that for "Daesh member" we're indicating people who support voluntarily Daesh, who would vote for the Islamic State if there were an election, who dream to work for the Islamic State, or who actually joined it by their will. We're not referring to slaves, prisoners, forced soldiers, occupied populations. We've the following groups. - Local, native supporters from villages and hinterland of Syria and Iraq - disenfranchised Sunni people from Syria and Iraq living where Daesh rules. Native cannon fodder. They joined Daesh during its expansion instead of fighting it. They represent mostly rural footmen, local soldiers, army workers radicalized by misery and discrimination under Saddam, Assad, Shi'a and US. They are the grunts, the base infantry for heavy-duty, generic labor, easy terror and entry-level warfare. They see Daesh as a defense-reaction against various injustices they suffered - Israeli hegemony, N-American Imperialism, Shi'a domination, corrupt aristocracies, secular dictatorships. - Islamist Scholars, Terror Directors from Al Qayda. Arabic, Pakistani, etc. Hard-core Jihad minds. These are ideologues, theorists, experts of Q'uran which provide mostly orientation, philosophy, doctrine, exegesis. In Muslim Arabic culture, the role of militant religious intellectuals mustn't be underestimated. The real force of conversion in the Ummah is the definition of True Islam in the current age- which of the many interpretations of the Q'uran, Qutbism, Wahhabism, Salafism, Sufism (just to name some on the Sunni side alone) is the legitimate way deserving support and allegiance by the believer. While this may seem pedantic seen from the "Western", in Islam it is crucial (as it was for Christianity in the age of religious wars). - Secret elite sympathizers from economic-political-military ruling class of neighboring Islamic countries. External Daesh spies. they are treacherous members of the leadership in "moderate", "western" allied Muslim countries; they are masters in espionage, business, aristocracy, finance, governments and politics. These powerful external allies have public status as authority in their nation and role of traitors in favor of Islamism in private. They remain anonymous in the shadow - mostly from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Qatar, Pakistan, Bahrein; they provide to Daesh essential services and fundamental assistance of classified kind, such as smuggling forbidden weaponry, traffic of equipment and machinery, illegal export of oil and resources, laundering terror funds and racket money, sharing sensitive enemy intelligence (eg, US bombings), providing technical expertise, transporting personnel and recruits in and out, facilitating external terror operations etc. - Full-time International Sunni Islamism veterans. Professional jihadists. Revolutionaries and paramilitaries focusing on guerrilla, warfare, expansion in Iraq and Syria. These are a generation of multi-ethnic, battle-hardened global Muslim extremists. The infamous so-called Mujahideen; they formed a sort of paramilitary revolutionary elite of Jihadism, permanently engaged around the world in Islamist insurrection (like Comintern in the past for Communism); they come from alot of countries - Nigeria, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Chechnya, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Sudan, Egypt, Arabic peninsula, Afghanistan, Pakistan. They have fought and learned battle tactic and war strategy in a plethora of scenarios - in Afghanistan against USSR and USA; in Iraq against USA and Shi'a; in Algeria against the government, in Mali, Chad, Central Africa agains the French; in Chechnya, Tajikistan against Russia; in Syria against Hezbollah; in all the Arabic Spring areas, such as Lybia, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, against local governments. These are the experts and the pioneers of kamikaze attacks, terror executions, sophisticate assassinations, improvised explosive devices, shocking psy-ops, but also guerrilla tactics, multimedia propaganda and mobile warfare. - Full-time International terrorists and criminals, working as a secret service of Daesh. Classic terrorists. They are hosted in the Islamic State territory and are concentrated on training for attacks against "Western" targets. These are like Al Qayda in Afghanistan at the time of the Talibans. They are like separate smaller organizations that are hosted as welcome guests in the quasi-state territory. They use the place as training ground and secret lab for new explosives, new techniques, new plans etc. They may be classified as the CIA of Daesh - an almost independent entity that pursues its externally oriented aggressive goals of propaganda and influence. - Former Baath party members, former Iraq security forces cadres, former Iraqi army officers. Classic generals. These are the losers and the persecuted after the fall of Saddam regime against the USA, and most likely also some defectors of Assad's dictatorship once the reprisals on civilians became massive. They tended to run a clandestine resistance against the US occupation, but the surviving progressively conflated in larger groups, and ultimately in Daesh, since it was the most viable option to keep fighting against the new Iraqi government. They have contributed military academic expertise, orthodox warfare principles, advanced espionage strategies and solid logistics organization to the Islamic State army doctrine and power hierarchy. - Foreign recruits of Muslim background who join the movement physically or psychologically. Wannabe Jihad admirers. They join the hard-core members starting from their own Islamic family origin. These are mostly teenagers, youth, but also dissatisfied, renegade or alienated people residing in Western, Asian, or Muslim countries where they are minority, losers, guests of unfulfilled, discriminated or anyway segregated kind, at familiar or personal level. They don't feel to belong to their society and they don't feel happy with their existence. So they look for more inspirational and more attractive doctrines inside their own religious galaxy, hoping to find revenge, redemption and accomplishment for their empty or meaningless life, by joining Daesh and supporting the Islamic State in the way they can - such as emigrating in Syria via Turkey to fight, or doing local terrorism in USA or France, or donating illegal funds to Jihadism, or doing propaganda and organization to convert more recruits. They are a general living proof that "Western" "integration" largely failed, and that Muslim immigration works more to infiltrate jihad terrorists than to secularize islamized youngsters. - Cosmopolitan followers of non-Islamic origin who convert to Islamism and support Daesh locally or remotely. Wannabe "Western" Jihadists. They change religion for the sake of fascination with extremism. These tend to be weaker people, immature youngsters, dissatisfied narcissists and borderline personalities of non-Muslim origin who had love relations or important interaction with Islamic people, and who changed faith in extreme form as reaction. They are a minority of the external recruits, but still they represent a very interesting and concerning phenomenon. Religious extremists are well-known to exert charm and radicalization on vulnerable and gullible members of their larger faith (Islam in the case of Jihadists). But managing to change an atheist or a Christian to a militant Muslim is a social engineering skill and a political propaganda feat of much darker and more gruesome nature. Together with "western" Muslim converts, these recruits are also a valuable Daesh source of foreign technical expertise like IT, medicine etc on "Western" passport. - Established independent Islamist terror groups outside of Iraq and Syria. They are alien, organized jihadists active in other areas, such as Boko Haram, Al Shabab, etc from Nigeria, Lybia, Somalia and Sinai, who pledged formal allegiance to Daesh as Caliphate by name; but they keep executing their own pre-existing area plans and autonomous local agenda with some official or practical cohordination with the Islamic State. In the past, these groups were loosely referring to Al Qayda as formal leader and official brand. Now instead they tend to offer allegiance to Islamic State and to work in franchising with Daesh. Daesh is perceived by other groups as model and center. They are part of the evidence that DAesh has gained widespread credit and propaganda momentum in terms of proclaiming itself Caliphate and leader of Dar-Al-Harb and Dar-Al-Islam. - Passive admirers, external audience of Muslim origin worldwide. Soft-core Jihad show watchers. They praise, approve, cheer Daesh work, but don't execute terrorism on Daesh behalf, don't operate in favor of ISIS, nor get directly involved in its affairs. It is estimated that they represent at least 10% of the Ummah, roughly 100 millions people, because the militant Daesh members between armed and unarmed, local and foreign, are in the millions. If there weren't at least 1 person each 10 Muslims passively approving or meekly tolerating the extremism and the violence of the relatively few active Jihadists, there couldn't be a phenomenon as Daesh. If there is 1 Jihadist militant every 100 Muslims who kills, harms, sabotages, spies proactively for Daesh, there are 9 people who in silence admire, accept without preventing, because they see it as "daring" and "good" - for example brothers, parents, friends, relatives. Continues here :

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